Monday, October 17, 2005

TMNT:Next Mutation VS. The Power Rangers 2 Episode Crossover DVD! (Saban)

Available Now:

Part 1: "Save Our Ship"
Part 2: "Shell Shocked"

In September of 1997 Saban, creators of the Power Rangers, aquired rights to use the Turtles for their new show "Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation" in which they introduced the Turtles' long lost sister "Venus de Milo." The show was meant to be a continuation of the popular films. The show didn't do well with TMNT fans, and was receiving poor ratings.
In an attempt to promote and recruit fans for the new show, Saban planned to have the Turtles appear on their popular Power Rangers show in a 2 episode crossover. In February 1998, the episodes "Save Our Ship," and "Shell Shocked" premiered, they were episodes 253 & 254 of the Power Rangers show. They did little to save the poor Turtles incarnation, which was eventually cancelled.
The 2 episodes have not been commercially released, but are available here on 1 DVD.

You didn't think they'd stay enemies?!

01. Save Our Ship
"The Rangers return to Earth, but unfortunately they get an unfriendly welcome from Astronema, who has followed them there, unleashed her cohort Ecliptor on them, and fired upon NASADA, nearly destroying the Megaship's Shuttle. This failure leads to her turning her attention to New York, specifically, on 5 certain mutant turtles. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull spot the Dark Fortress hanging around in space, and seek out the assistance of a nutty old scientist in finding the presence of aliens in Angel Grove."

02. Shell Shocked
"Astronema turns the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into her obediant slaves, they gain the trust of the Rangers when they aid them in battle and are invited to the Megaship, where they plot to deliver the Rangers to Astronema"

BUY: TMNT v Power Rangers DVD is $9.99 + $5.00 for shipping in the U.S.A.International buyers please add $8.00 for shipping.You can send the total to: (delete the NOSPAM before using)

Be sure to check out the official TMNT websites: (Official Site) (Official Fox Site) (Official Site of the Upcoming CGI Movie) (Peter Laird's Official Site) (Awesome Fan Site!) (Another Great Fan Site!)

ANY QUESTIONS??? email me for answers.